Join Marc's Sales Transformation Mastermind
for just $1
(and get all of your sales questions answered...)






Exclusive Offer: $1 for 30 days, then only $39 per month. Cancel anytime.

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When I recommend this ALL-IMPORTANT SECRET TO SUCCESS IN SELLING, most salespeople say "yeah, yeah, I know"... but almost none of them actually do it!

Do you know who DOES do this one thing?

Every superstar salesperson I've ever met, that's who.

I kept putting it off too... because it just didn't seem like it would help me, but boy was I WRONG.

I spent years bumbling around, doing all the wrong things in sales.

Then I got lucky and found some better information and strategies.

And this helped a lot...

But, I was still really just keeping my head above water (whereas before I was failing miserably).

I couldn't figure it out.

I didn't know what I was missing.

Then someone smart told me something I'd heard a hundred times before, but ignored every time, because I was sure it wouldn't help me, and positive that I couldn't afford it.

Turns out, I couldn't have been more wrong - ON BOTH COUNTS!

Here's what this smart person told me...

"Get a sales coach who will hold you accountable."

Right after he said that, I felt my habitual responses coming up... I wanted to say:

"I don't think that's going to help me."


"I just can't afford that right now."

But this time, I stopped before saying those things and I thought about it for a minute.

Multiple smart people have been telling me to do this for a while now...

...I haven't tried it yet...

...Maybe this could actually help me...

...And, what if I considered this an investment, rather than an expense?

Here's How I Doubled My Sales In
Less Than 12 Months...

...And Then Went From $49K In Debt To Making High Six Figures EVERY YEAR.

I decided it was time to take the advice I'd been ignoring for so long.

I found myself a coach who would keep me accountable in my selling.

Shortly after we got started together, I noticed some interesting things happening...

My motivation increased.

I became much more focused, and productive.

I was getting a lot more done every day, but not just more tasks - the most important tasks.

I was actually starting to enjoy my work too!

And then, I discovered what I now call "The Perfect Combination."

"The Perfect Combination" that turns struggling salespeople into HIGH SIX FIGURE EARNERS

This is what I call "The Perfect Combination" for sales success:

  1. Having the right information, strategies and techniques that are proven to work in selling.
  2. Having someone who is smart, experienced and already very successful at sales, keeping your "feet to the fire," not letting you B.S. yourself, and making sure you do the right things, the right way.

It was easy to see, soon after I started working with my coach, that this combination truly was becoming PERFECT for me.

My results took off.

At the time, I had more than $49,000 of debt on my Amex card and my business was struggling to survive.

After "The Perfect Combination" kicked in for me, I started selling more and bigger deals, week in, week out... and it felt like selling was becoming almost effortless for me.

Within 12 months, I had doubled my revenues, PAID OFF ALL MY DEBT, and I had accepted an offer to sell my business!

And then things got REALLY exciting...

After the amazing experience of doubling my revenues and selling my business, I decided to start teaching companies and individuals how to sell better, so I opened a consulting practice.

This is where things got really exciting.

Within just 18 months, I had my first HIGH SIX FIGURES year!

And every year since then, my earnings have increased!

But, I want to be clear about something...

The money is GREAT (truly!)... but "The Perfect Combination" is going to change your life in so many other amazing ways too...

What If YOU Could Get "The Perfect Combination" Working For You, In Your Sales Career?

And What If You Could Get It For Just $1?

I've created a special program that's going to give you the same opportunity I had - to get "The Perfect Combination" working for you, in your selling... you can produce and enjoy the same incredible results that I did, and that hundreds of my clients and students already have too.

The program is called Sales Transformation Mastermind.

In just a minute, I'm going to tell you all about the program, and I'm going to show you how you can get started right now... for just $1.


There's something you should know before we go any further...

I am only admitting 50 new members into the program at this time.

As soon as 50 people sign up, this page will come down and the program will be closed.

Why am I limiting the number of members?

Because this is a coaching program, and as you'll see in a minute, the program includes A LOT of direct contact and interaction with me.

I am only accepting 50 new members at this time, so I can make sure to serve each and every member properly, and make sure they ALL get the results they want in their selling.

What is Sales Transformation Mastermind?

High-Level Group Sales Coaching +
Professional Mentorship +
Peer-to-Peer Accountability +
Access To The Best Sales Strategies & Tactics +
Access To An Exclusive Community Of Sales Superstars =


This program is designed to give you every tool, every resource, every strategy and tactic, every kick in the ass, every accountability, and every answer to every question you will ever have... you can build your sales or your business to six or even seven figures.

This program is modeled on my personal experience with sales coaches and mentors and involvement in other masterminds... you get the same experience I did... you can get the same results I did.

What exactly do you get in Sales Transformation Mastermind?

(1) Become Part Of My Exclusive Community Of Sales Superstars

When you join Sales Transformation Mastermind, you become a member of my exclusive sales community. We use a powerful online forum - that you'll have full access to - where you can ask me, and other like-minded superstar salespeople, any questions you have or issues you're struggling with right now. Got a proposal that’s going out and not sure how to word it? We'll give you direct feedback on exactly what to do, and what not to do. Struggling with a gatekeeper? Get best practices from the community on what’s actually working today. Run into a snag with an important prospect? Gain insight into how to get it back on track.

(2) Unlimited Access To The Sales Quick Training Video Library

As a member, you're going to get unlimited access to my Sales Quick Training Video Library. This is my complete library - that includes more than 100 3 - 5 minute videos that I’ve created on pretty much every topic related to sales. Need some new strategies for getting more referrals - we've got 'em. Need some closing tips? We have those too. Want prospecting call strategies? We have tons of them. Just about any issue you struggle with in sales, we’ve got at least one short training video on it.

(3) Monthly Group Coaching Call With Me

As a member of Sales Transformation Mastermind, you get to jump on a monthly coaching call with me, personally. I'll be there answering questions you have, and questions from other members too. Don't forget - other people’s sales questions are often just as helpful to you as your own. This monthly call ensures that you always have a place to get answers and support in your selling, from a seasoned pro. This kind of interaction and support from a highly-successful salesperson is almost never available to most salespeople, but it is exactly what most salespeople desperately need!

(4) Monthly Interview With A (Six or Seven Figure) Sales Superstar

Have you ever wondered what superstar salespeople are really doing on a day-to-day basis, right now? As part of Sales Transformation Mastermind, you will get access to a monthly interview I do with a sales superstar. I will interview people who are making at least in the mid six figures in sales - some are even earning seven figures - and you will get to hear all of their secrets, tips, mindsets and strategies.

(5) Weekly Monday Morning Motivator Video

Each week you'll also get access to an exclusive, quick Monday Morning Motivator Video. This video is designed to get you going for the week, to give you that kick in the butt, get you psyched, make you aware of your commitments, and keep you on track.

Here's The Deal:

Here's what you get as a member of Sales Transformation Mastermind:

  • Become Part Of My Exclusive Community Of Sales Superstars. Become a member of our community and get full access to our powerful online forum, where you can ask me, and other like-minded superstar salespeople, any questions you have or issues you're struggling with right now.

  • Unlimited Access To The Sales Quick Training Video Library. This is my complete library - that includes more than 100 3 - 5 minute videos that I’ve created on pretty much every topic related to sales.

  • Monthly Coaching Call With Me. As a member of Sales Transformation Mastermind, you get to jump on a monthly coaching call with me, personally. I'll be there to answer any questions you have, and questions from other members too.

  • Monthly Interview With A (Six- or Seven-Figure) Sales Superstar. As part of Sales Transformation Mastermind, you will get access to a monthly interview I do with a sales superstar. I will interview people who are making at least in the mid six figures in sales - some are even earning seven figures - and you will get to hear all of their secrets, tips, mindsets and strategies.

  • Weekly Monday Morning Motivator Video. Each week you'll also get access to an exclusive, quick Monday Morning Motivator Video. This video is designed to get you going for the week, to give you that kick in the butt, get you psyched, make you aware of your commitments, and keep you on track.

What happens after the first month?

If you love the Sales Transformation Mastermind - and I know you will, because you're going to start getting some AMAZING NEW RESULTS... all you have to do is stay subscribed and you’ll automatically be charged just $39 a month.

And there's absolutely nothing to worry about, because... can cancel your membership at any time - no questions, no hassles.

But I know you’re going to get so much value from this program, that you'll never ever want to leave...

...because I have designed this program to make sure you succeed!

Click the red button now to lock in your spot.

(I am only accepting 50 new members at this time.)

Exclusive Offer: $1 for 30 days, then only $39 per month. Cancel anytime.

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WARNING: I am only accepting 50 new members at this time.

Are YOU right for Sales Transformation Mastermind?

Most offers you see on the Internet ask a different question.

They ask, "Is XYZ right for you?"

I'm not asking that question, because Sales Transformation Mastermind is different.

I want to know if YOU are right for our community.

This is because...

My only goal for this program is:


And I can only achieve that goal if my members are willing, coachable, and giving.

So, before I let anyone into this community, I always ask these 5 questions:

  1. Are you willing to take action?
  2. Are you willing to put in the work, to get real results?
  3. Are you willing to commit to a set of actions, and then be held accountable?
  4. Are you coachable? Are you willing to learn? Or do you already know it all when it comes to sales?
  5. Are you going to be a productive, inspirational, and supportive member of our community, helping others when you can?

If you've answered yes to ALL of those questions, but only if you answered yes to ALL of them, then I want you as a new member of Sales Transformation Mastermind, because I know I can transform you into a superstar salesperson!

Click the red button below right now and let's get you started for just $1.

Click the button below now to lock in your spot.

(I am only accepting 50 new members at this time.)

Exclusive Offer: $1 for 30 days, then only $39 per month. Cancel anytime.

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WARNING: I am only accepting 50 new members at this time.

Why am I only accepting 50 new members?

Because this is a coaching program, and it includes A LOT of direct contact and interaction with me, personally.

I am only accepting 50 new members at this time, so I can make sure to serve each and every member properly, and make sure they ALL get the results they want in their selling.

Remember, you can cancel at any time, for any reason -- you're never on the hook for anything...

Exclusive Offer: $1 for 30 days, then only $39 per month. Cancel anytime.

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