Sales Strategy Academy Bonuses
Available Right Now!
You are now a member of my exclusive sales community. Get involved in our powerful online forum, where you can ask me, and other like-minded superstar salespeople, any questions you have or issues you’re struggling with right now. Got a proposal that’s going out and not sure how to word it? We’ll give you direct feedback on exactly what to do, and what not to do. Struggling with a gatekeeper? Get best practices from the community on what’s actually working today. Run into a snag with an important prospect? Gain insight into how to get it back on track.
Available Right Now!
In these incredible interviews, I speak with salespeople who are making in the mid six-figures in commissions through sales. Some are even earning 7 figures. Learn all of their secrets, tips, mindsets and strategies.
Available Right Now!
Learn the complete sales system created by Marc Wayshak, America’s Sales Coach on Game Plan Selling and author of Breaking All Barriers.
Drawing from the these experiences and research, Marc Wayshak’s Game Plan Selling System will teach you the Game Plan Selling DSP:
Be Distinct…from your competition.
Be Systematic…and follow a game plan for every aspect of selling.
Have a Prospecting Play Book…and live by it.
Available Right Now!
It’s all about getting you to really follow through with what you need to do. You will receive one-year access to our personal accountability tool. Can you tell me how many prospecting calls or emails you’ve sent in the past week? Most people can’t.
If this is the case, then this tool is going to be a game changer for you.
You will create daily prospecting, sales and activity goals and you keep track of your progress.
Available After Week 6!
This is about formal recognition amongst your peers and employers. Now that you’ve completed the course, you can take an assessment to test what you’ve learned. If you pass that assessment, we will then provide you with a Certificate of Graduation from Sales Strategy Academy.
This certificate will set you apart from your competition to let folks know that you are truly a sales expert. You will actually get a certificate mailed to you, and you can put this amazing benchmark on your resume.
Available After Week 6!
You will connect with more prospects than ever before without ever making a cold call again. The Sales Campaign Blueprint is all about laying out THE blueprint to contact prospects many times over the span of months so that way he or she will know exactly who you are when you pick up that phone.
This is the best prospecting strategy out there when you have no direct connection to someone though an introduction. Imagine you want to connect with the president or VP of a Fortune 500 company. You don’t know anybody who knows her, so how to get through? This training will show you how and don’t worry, no cold calling necessary.
Available After Week 6!
People always need help customizing these sales strategies to their world. Because he is so committed to your success, Marc will do just that in a one-on-one phone call between you and him. You will get a one-on-one call with Marc Wayshak to help you work through any specific issues you’re facing with selling
Now that you’ve completed the program, you can set up your call. Marc will be your personal consultant.